Friday, July 16, 2004

Old friends

The past month has truly been amazing to say the least.  I've started going to this college group called Vital Impact.  It's at the church/school that I used to go to back in 4th-8th grade called Grace Community Christian School.  After I graduated the 8th grade I went to a public high school whereas most of my friends went to a Christian one.  I would see them every once in a blue moon, but very few of them I would see.   Oddly enough I went to a tuesday night college group gathering/Bible study with my buddy Andre.  Then over the next month  I saw all these guys/gals that I used to go to school with at Grace.  None of them were from my class, but where from Micah, and Luke's classes.  I was amazed at how much they had grown up.  I know I really shouldn't have been, but none the less, after some 8 or 9 years it's just crazy to see that their not the little brothers and sisters of my friends.  By far though the coolest thing is that the ones I'm seeing are really following the Lord.  That is so encouraging.  I was afraid that many of them would rebel and turn their hearts from the Lord, like many pastors kids tend to do.  Many of them have gone on missions trips, are interested in missions, or other ministry areas, some are discipling younger guys/girls.  One of the other great benefits about going to this college group has been that I've made lots of new friends that are in the same boat or same stage of life as I am, whereas it seems that the college group at my church tends to be a little heavy on the married/couples side.  That may not be a bad thing, but it is hard for me to relate to where they're at in life cause I'm not married/engaged.  It's just really exciting to see what God is doing in the lives of a bunch of my old friends, and now a bunch of my new friends.
Lord continue to bless the work you have started at Vital Impact.  You are raising up people there to be Your ambassadors to the nations and to our own nation with an unashamed boldness.  Let us continue to come together as the new testament church did, being of one heart and mind, helping each other, and seeking after you.  Continue to transform our lives and let our lives reflect more and more the image of Your Son.  Continue as well to bless the work You're doing in the hearts and minds of those that go to The Cellar.  Many have recently entered new stages of life and need Your strength, love and, guidance as they live for You first, and theirs spouses second instead of dwelling upon their own needs first.  Be with those in Ireland and give them open minds and hearts.  Give them courage to speak unashamedly about Your saving grace, and also give them ears to hear the words that others might speak.  Pour out Your presence among them, guide them and protect them.

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