Friday, April 15, 2005

Blessings of God

What a day. Went down to the doc's office and picked up a prescription for 3 months of depakote (seizure meds), and the kind lady gave me some samples to get me by until the meds come in. This means that I won't need COBRA and will save the money that I would have spent. This is awesome! My dad went with me to cosign on a loan to buy a 4 dr. Tacoma TRD, but we won't find out until probably tomorrow whether or not it will go through. I believe it will, but we'll wait and see. So my dad and I went to go grab some Rubio's before the extremely awesome Worship Gathering ( that just ended. While I was parking this guy comes up and starts going off on how cool my Scout is. Asks a bunch of questions which I was of course more than willing to answer, and asked if I'd sell it. I said it was for sale and told him how much. He was stoked, asked for my number and said he'd call me. Now I don't put a lot of stock in words, but I haven't even been advertising, and he asked me if I would sell it, I didn't tell him. Lord help him to buy it. =)

The worship gathering was awesome. I can't even begin to think of other words to describe it. I was singing and enjoying worship and then when they did a song I knew differently I was caught going through the motions. There was a short break where there normally wouldn't have been and my hands went up and my heart went down. I was crushed, stripped bare realizing that my song was from the flesh and was not in Spirit and in Truth. I was being fake. Broken I closed my eyes, sealed my lips, put forth my hands, prayed and waited. I cryed and asked God for forgiveness. I could not open my mouth to sing anymore until it was from my spirit to His, and it was in Truth, and not a product of memory. I waited and prayed. Kathy Lott taught us how to sing a simple song in sign. That was the ticket. I broke down as I signed this song and sealed my lips. I wrote on the wall what the Lord was saying to me then wrote my prayer to Him. The rest of then night I worshiped Him with such fervor and joy. Aah, it was incredible.

Lord thank you for showing me this. Continue to show me these things that are hidden in my heart. Reveal the things in me that are not of You, and destroy them. Make me like You, let me live and worship in Spirit and in Truth.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The Beginning of the End

I turned in my 2 weeks this morning. I've been praying that God would be there and would speak through me. I prayed and sang on the way to work today, ushering in the presence of God. The first thing I did after clocking in was talk to my boss. The news came out in a way that seemed as if it was well thought out, though it was all spur of the moment. My boss took it well. He asked if there was a bidding war and if there was that he would out bid ACE. I told him there wasn't, then gave him my three main reasons for leaving.

1. ACE offers advancement opportunities that will teach me more cool new things, help me grow, and provide for me better financially.

2. The immediate and hopefully future financial gains will allow me to put away money for missions, save money to buy a house, and give me the financial support necessary to support a family when the time comes.

3. The end that I believe God has called me to (missions) seems best accomplished by the means of employment at ACE Asphalt. I've seen God's hand on Paul and Robert and I have no doubt that it is also on the company in part because the founder is a God fearing man who is aggressively advancing the Kingdom of God throughout the world.

The day went well after that. I worked hard, efficiently and I felt the Spirit on me. Despite my left foot hurting, I had some bounce in my step.

It will be nice to give my body a physical rest and to treat my ears, eyes, lungs, feet, and everything else much better. Now I've got to devise a way to stay in shape while sitting at a desk. I think a climbing membership is in order.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Blessings, a New beginning, and an End

Recently Paul and Robert have been clueing me in on a job at ACE that they both thought that I would be good at. At first I was unsure because I felt a loyalty to the company I work for, I knew that they needed me, and would do almost anything to keep me. They had taken care of me, and given me two raises one for each review. On the other hand I saw what God has done through Paul and Robert and how He's blessed them there and suddenly I felt like a dog with 2 bones. I was quite content with the bone I had, it was good and treated me well. But suddenly a bigger, better bone showed up and I started wanting that one. I wasn't content anymore with the bone I had. I began to think too much about the other bone and my work began to suffer. My boss even noticed it and asked if I was okay. I had to put an end to it right there. Called close friends and talked to family and had them pray for me. So I went to ACE interviewed with Robert and we decided that until God gave both of us peace about the issue, that we should wait. With people still praying, I thought about it more and more, and asked God to speak clearly. Clearly isn't what I got, but I did began to think in terms of what I believe God's future is for me and how I should go about accomplishing it. ACE seemed the clear choice for better provision financially, less stress on my body (foot is beginning to hurt again), more chances to move up and around, and a chance to learn lots of new stuff on the other side of what I'm used to doing.

So Robert called me today and said that they would like to bring me aboard. When I pass the drug test, ACE asphalt will become my new employer. Now the hard part. Breaking ties with current employer. I like my boss and some of the people at PW Athletic. They are coming into the busy season quickly and my leaving will really put them into a fix. None the less, I know what needs to be done, and I feel with more certainty now that God has provided this job at ACE asphalt for me so that I can give my body rest, so I can save money for missions, a house, and maybe even a family. None of these are possible at PW. It will be hard to tell my boss, but I'm sure he will understand. Many of the others won't. I hope they do. I know for certain that Wayne (owner) will. He's a Christian and will understand that the end goal justifies the means. He knows that missions and the aggressive advancement of God's kingdom is my heart and that I'll do what needs to be done in order to see those things accomplished.

Lord give me wisdom as I talk with Bobby and Wayne. Help them all to understand. I pray that You'll provide them with some more good employees who'll learn quickly and work hard so that the stress of the busy season won't be so great. Please put Your words in my mouth as I turn in my 2 weeks. I know it will be hard for me to say and them to hear, but please be in our midst and give them understanding. Help me be a blessing to ACE and to work hard as unto You. Help me to learn quickly, and never tire from doing what seems so foreign to me as I spend 40 hrs. a week behind a computer. May Your hand guide and direct me, Your mouth speak through me, and Your Spirit be with me. Lord bless Your servant as I walk out my life in humble obediance the best I knows how. Teach me Your word that I may obey, give me an undivided heart that I may love and serve only You. Let me see through Your eyes, though I should never see again. Let me hear through Your ears though I should spend my days deaf. Let my hands heal the broken, weary, and sick, though they should never function right again. Let me feel Your presence though I should never feel again. Lord let me continually live in Your Spirit, though I should never live again. Kill me.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

See, Justin likes the crack too Posted by Hello

Something you won't see very often, me digging into some serious crack. Posted by Hello

Me digging for crack Posted by Hello

Me digging for chalk  Posted by Hello

Sean going for the big jump Posted by Hello

Rock climbing pics of Shawn going for the big jump up, Dustin looking for his next move and me digging for chalk Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Me climbing a 5.10A Posted by Hello