Wonder if he'd want his feeding tube removed?

Wonderings - v. To be filled with curiosity or doubt. Sojourner - n. A temporary resident. I set this up simply as a place to record my wonderings about life, about God, about family, friends, decisions and so on. I welcome any input anyone may have.
I think somebody should find out
I'm with you David!
Ever think that he was doing what his wife really wanted?
Yes. I wrote this on http://www.klaobeforehim.blogspot.com/
I don't like the guy and think he has ulterior motives. For a fella who is in love with his wife, he sure has a lot of kids with another lover. I don't see the man in love with a woman so much so that he waited 7 yrs. because it hurt so much to kill her. There are more humane ways to put somebody under. A lethal injection would take care of her in a short time. Starvation/dehydration is reminiscent of the Holocost era.
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