Wednesday, March 02, 2005


I've been really short on time with VLI and other ministry related things taking it all up. Been a while since I've blogged. Work has been really tough the past couple of months. I've been extremely critical of myself, my work, efficiency of my work, and how my review is going to go. Anxiety was crushing me in its iron fist. I brought it up at home group last week (which is going well) and everybody prayed for me regarding those things. The week following I spent a lot of time thinking and praying while at work. I eventually came to the conclusion that my future was in God's hands and that His view of my life is from an end time perspective. He sees the end first then the beginning. I reasoned then that whether things go good or bad in my eyes and the eyes of this world, that it didn't matter. He would accomplish through me the plans that He made for me (Eph. 2:10) regardless of what happened at work and would likely use my work situation as a way to show me where I am to be. I once again feel the joy of the Lord, and find myself singing His praises all day long in the midst of blaring secular radio and loud machinery. My boss told me during the review that he wanted me to give him a couple year's notice before I went on my "mission" (he's mormon). As I walked out, it struck me that I was on my mission. I wish that it would have struck me sooner. Would have thrown him for a loop.

Lord thank you for placing me where you have. You've blessed me with a fine job, good employers, and good pay. You've given me favor unending and undeserved. Change my heart so that I can be a better reflection of you to the guys I work around. Give me moments where I can quickly plant and or water seeds in their lives without neglecting my work. Open the eyes and ears of my co-workers and soften their hearts to hear your words. Heal the many injuries that have occurred to the guys there. Also be with the Pinner family as Obie's dad is in the hospital. May any injuries he sustains be minimal and heal quickly.

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