Monday, January 02, 2006

Overland Missions Conference

This conference was what I've been longing for, for a long time. I found people who had the same heart, and vision for missions, and where doing it well.

Vaughn Gerald who is a Vineyard Pastor in upstate NY was one of the speakers at the conference. The Spirit of the Lord was on him. He gave the best message about "seed" I have ever heard in my life. During that ministry time afterwards, I felt the Lord telling me to sell all of my guns and give the money away to the mission field. A little while later some details about who to and how came about as well. Therefore I will step out in obediance, and sell all of my guns save my 10-.22 which my dad gave me. One of my buddies in Florida is going to buy my handgun, but all of the others are up for grabs.

I really felt a connection with these folks and have a strong desire to work with them. This was echoed strongly by them as well. I'm going to go on a trip with them this year, and Lord willing, I will move down there towards the end of the year and go full time.

I hope to bring more people with me to the conference next year. Especially people who are just out of highschool or are not far into college. I think it's sad that the greatest thing most young people have done is go on a cool vacation, or do do something that will quickly be forgotten. If I live to be an old man, I want to be able to tell my grandkids that God used me to change the world. To be able to tell the stories of how I saw God change people's lives with the Good News, and to see them healed, and set free from spiritual captitvity and physical illnesses.

Those of you who saw the call of God on my heart and generously responded with monitary support I thank you soooo much. You allowed me to help someone else in like manner. Those of you who prayed for me that God would speak to me and show me things; Thank you all sooooo much. He has spoken, and taught me a lot. Now I have to put all my trust in Him, and go where I believe He's calling me to go.

Please continue praying for me. I will need it desperately in the year to come. I will need wisdom, and the ability to plan well without putting my faith in planning and losing faith in God.

Romans 10:14 How, then can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news?"

If the LORD has begun to call you into the mission field, even if it's short term, then join me and let us find those who will call our feet beautiful. What you sow, therefore you shall also reap. Pour out your life for others, and others will pour out their lives on you.


Anonymous said...

Wow, David. This is great to hear about! You really amaze me. I am glad for you and for your purpose and will pray for wisdom and safe journeys for you.

David Killough said...

Thanks mom and anonymous. Mom, what you said was right out of Eph. 2:10. I'm so excited that I've been chosen by God as worthy to pour out my life for the nations. To live on the edge and on the top of life is to trust God with everything, and obediantly do what He says. Since I've come back, I've become accutely aware of when God is speaking to me. I know it's Him because it usually makes me a bit uncomfortable when I do it. Nonetheless, I'm finding it easier now to just do what I feel Him telling me to and not worry about the results.

Becca said...

I will keep you in my prayers. The Lord has called you to higher ground and "with great power comes great responsibility",=) so I will pray that the Lord always equips you. You are the right man for the job. God definately chose the right candidate. God bless.

David Killough said...

Thanks Rebecca, I appreciate your encouragement and prayers. Blessings on you.

David Killough said...

Hey bro! Thanks for the prayer, I can really use it. Keep praying for things at work. I feel like I'm treading water with a 50 lb. vest on. Anyway, Congrats on being accepted as a Leavenworth Fire Fighter. That's totally awesome bro. May God's hand be upon you and may everything you do have His blessing. May people prosper under you, and all that bless you, may they be blessed 10 fold in return. Love you sooo much!!

Ellen Joy said...

I never expected anyone to read my posts, much less comment. But reading your words of encouragement on my miniscule blog and following the link here to hear what the Lord is doing in your life has been exciting. I just returned from 3 weeks in Vietnam and China - praying over the people, bringing in bibles, and serving the long-term missionaries and local Christians. It was an absolutely amazing time and I received very clear word from the Lord that my future will be serving Him abroad on a more long-term basis. Its an exciting time in my life of preparation and waiting for my passions and visions to align. He gives dreams and then He spends time forming us into the person we need to be in order to fulfill that vision. Just remember Joseph who went through such hardship and refining before the dream the Lord gave him came to be. I think the most important thing to reach for in such a head-spinning time is both the simplicity and joy of serving the Lord. The body doesn't know what it does or why, those things are for the Head to manage. Be faithful in utter submission and He will pour into you the joy of leading a life of significance. Live it up! Its the good life =]

David Killough said...

Wow, never expected to hear from you Ellen. Thanks for the encouraging words. It is amazing how the mind of a man plans his way, but the Lord really does direct his steps. It sounds like God is preparing you as well for his purposes. May God be with you as He was with Joseph, and may His hand of blessing be upon your life.